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To get a good job, you need a first job

Fight for $50,000-a-year careers by expanding entry-level training opportunities that provide employees with the skills to earn middle-class incomes.

In contrast, the Fight for a $15 minimum wage reduces job opportunities and cuts off the bottom rung of the career ladder that is needed for employees to quickly climb it.

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Raise the wage ceiling by protecting the wage floor

There are currently more than 7 million national job openings, roughly half of which are middle-class jobs that pay approximately $50,000 a year and don’t require a bachelor’s degree.

Policies should focus on equipping Americans with the skills necessary to shift into these well-paying jobs.

The Fight for $50,000 can provide middle-class careers; the Fight for a $15 minimum wage threatens entry-level job opportunities because many low-margin small businesses cannot absorb its costs and are forced to shed jobs or close altogether.

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$50,000 Careers

The Department of Labor projects tens of thousands of job openings, which don’t require a bachelor’s degree, in each of the following middle-class fields:

Dental Hygenists $72,500
Electrical Line Installers $61,500
Police $60,500
Sales Rep $59,000
Respitory Therapist $58,000
Property Managers $55,500
Occupational Therapist $55,000
Electricians $52,000
Computer support technicians $51,500
Medical and Lab Techs $51,000
Plumbers and Pipefitters $50,500
Paralegals and Legal Assistants $48,810
Mechanics $48,500
Truck Service Techs $45,000
HVAC Mechanics $45,000
Construction Equipment Operators $44,000
Physical Therapist Assistants $43,000
Machinists $42,000
Chefs and Head Cooks $42,000
Specialty Tradespeople (Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers) $41,000
Correction Officers $41,000
Truck Drivers $40,500
Masonry Workers $40,000
Autobody Repair $40,000

Pledge to Support Workforce Development

One of the most frustrating aspects of the current economic boom is the millions of available job opportunities that are not being filled because potential workers don’t possess the necessary skillset.

To fill this skills gap, the Trump administration is pursuing workforce development initiatives, but they need your help. Pledge your support to help close the skills gap today!


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Tell your legislator that $50,000 careers are better than $15 jobs